Toshiba Satellite A100 battery Problem - Is Was Happen on
toshiba Laptop A100 Model - when replace with new one battery type 3399 or 34xx model the problem not fix - the indicator battery show the model battery but not charging and laptop is turn off when you turn off the ac adapter. sometime the problem is bios not knowing the battery model although the
battery laptop replace with new one - when you download driver from toshiba website - and click satellite model a100. the website open pop up
toshiba supports news :
BIOS update for Satellite A100/A105, Satellite M110/M115, and Tecra A7
Posted on: 04/10/2007
Updated on: 04/10/2007 15:51:53
In very rare cases, the battery pack of your PC may stop accepting a charge, i.e., the battery stops working and no longer supplies power to the computer. To minimize the risk of ever experiencing this problem, we strongly recommend that you download and install the latest BIOS by clicking the 'Downloads' link that will appear when you are finished reading Support News.
So Update the bios now and you will fix battery problem on toshiba a100